Se sei un allevatore e produci latte e lo stato ti spia, non azzardarti a togliere le telecamere, ti arrestano anche se hai regolermante denunciato il fatto alla polizia.
In Canada funziona così.
- 2 hours ago
:/ smh
"When Michael Schmidt found cameras on his land that had been spying on him and his friends, he simply removed them and contacted the local police department to find out who they might belong to. It was at this time that he was charged with theft after refusing to hand the cameras over to the police."
"When Michael Schmidt found cameras on his land that had been spying on him and his friends, he simply removed them and contacted the local police department to find out who they might belong to. It was at this time that he was charged with theft after refusing to hand the cameras over to the police."
Raw Milk Farmer Jailed for Removing Gov. Surveillance Cameras from His Own Property
Canadian farmer that provides raw milk to his community was reportedly
arrested and jailed for removing government surveillance cameras from
his own property. The Canadian government is filing charges against the
man for 'theft.'
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